Gematria and Numerology:
Here are some interesting Biblical numerology examples for your consideration:
Gen. 1 = Pi, John 1 = E:
Arguably the two most important constants in Math are Pi = 3.14159... and E = 2.718281...
What is interesting is that if you take the numerical values of the letters and words in both the Old Testament Hebrew of Genesis 1:1 and the New Testament Greek of John 1:1 and apply the same formula to each of these verses regarding creation, Genesis 1:1 equals the Mathematical constant Pi and John 1:1 equals the Mathematical constant e. (Below is the essential calculation using Gen. 1:1 as the example).
Here is the equation using Genesis 1:1...

Here it is broken down for you:
Firstly here is Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew along with the numerical values...

There are 7 words comprising a total of 28 letters. Since c200 BC each letter has also functioned as a numeral. The values so assigned are written above each letter. Each string of letters (the words, in this case) represents a number obtained by summing the letter values. These 7 results are recorded in blue on the bottom line. Their sum - the verse characteristic value - is 2701.
The Detail of the Letter-Products:
We now proceed, word by word, to determine the product of the letter values:

Clearly, if these seven products are multiplied together we obtain the desired result, viz 2^15 x 3^6 x 10^27, or - since each of the exponents is a multiple of 3 - (2^5 x 3^2 x 10^9)^3.
This number may be alternatively expressed as 2.3887872 x 10^34
Detail of the Word-Products
This matter is more straightforward:

The Center of the Bible:
The Bible contains a total of 1,188 chapters. The center of the Bible could therefore be said to be Psalms 118 as there are 594 chapters before and after this chapter. Psalms 118:8 reads, " It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." The center word in this verse in Hebrew is "b'adonia" which means "in the Lord".
Matthew 1 the genealogy of Jesus:
In Matthew 1 we read of the genealogy of Jesus but numerically what is amazing is how many times we find multiples of 7 in this genealogy. The number 7 is a very important number in God's word; it represents "completion". The original Greek language here follows what is called Heptadic Structure as it's signature. Dr. Pain found 75 different multiples of 7 in it's structure. Here in the Greek this genealogy is written so that: The number of words used are divisible by 7, the number of letters are divisible by 7, the number of vowels used are divisible by 7, the number of consonants are divisible by 7, the number of words that begin with vowels are divisible by 7, the number of words that begin with consonants are divisible by 7, the number of words used more then once are divisible by 7, the number of words that occur in more than one form are divisible by 7, the number of words that occur in only one form are divisible by 7, the number of nouns are divisible by 7, only 7 words are not nouns, the number of names are divisible by 7, the number of male names are divisible by 7, the number of female names are divisible by 7, etc. etc. etc. The statistical chances of the number of elements divisible by 7 in just the first 11 verses of this chapter is one in 678,223,072,849.
Let's try and wrap our heads around this happening by chance: there are a total of at least 75 things divisible by 7, Each additional element exponentially affects the odds. Lets say there were only 34 things divisible by 7 the odds of that would be 1 in 5.4 x 10 to the 28th. Now if you were to write a genealogy every ten minutes and you wanted to write it in such a way that you had 9 elements divisible by 7 it would take you 3,362 years to succeed! If you wanted to write a genealogy in such a way to get 34 elements divisible by 7 and you could write 400 million genealogies per second, it would take you 4,300,000 years to succeed based on the odds. Yet here in Matthew 1 we have a genealogy with 75 elements divisible by 7!!!!
The 7s continue:
In Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Peter, Jude and Paul's writings; each of these books use unique words in the Greek found only in each of these books. In each case the number of unique words found are divisible by 7., There are 7 "I am" statements made by Jesus: 1. "I am the bread of life"; 2. "I am the light of the world"; 3. "I am the door"; 4. "I am the good shepherd"; 5. "I am the resurrection and the life"; 6 "I am the way the truth and the life"; 7. "I am the vine". Jesus uttered 7 things on the cross: 1. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34; 2. "Today you will be with me in paradise Luke 23:43; " 3 "Woman, behold, thy son! Son, behold, thy mother!"; 4. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? " 5. "I thirst." 6. "It is finished."; 7. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit".
Also make note that...
The Bible begins: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (1:1). In the Hebrew it is exactly 7 words. The 7 words have exactly 28 (4 X 7) letters. There are 3 nouns (God, heavens and earth). Taking the letters of these nouns and substituting their numerical equivalents and adding them up, you get a combined total of 777 (111 X 7)! There is one Hebrew verb, created. Its total numerical value is 203 (29 X 7). The first three words contain the subject with exactly 14 (2 X 7) letters. The Hebrew words for the two objects (heavens and earth) each have 7 letters. The value for the first, middle, and last letters in the sentence is 133 (19 X 7). The value of the first and last letters of the first and last words of the verse is 497 (71 X 7). The value of the first and last letters of each of the words in between is 896 (128 X 7), and so on and so on. In this verse alone a mathematician named Ivan Panin discovered that there are 30 variations of the number 7 and I have only listed 11 of them here. The chance of this happening accidentally is 1 in 33,000,000,000,000, or 33 trillion.
Keep in mind the idea of completion, rest, and finishing when seeing the number 7. Below are listed some 70 appearances of the number seven.
The word 'seven' appears 287 times (41x7) in the Tenakh.
The word 'seven' appears 735 times (105x7) in all the scriptures.
The word 'seventh' appears 98 times (14x7) in the Tenakh.
The word 'sevenfold' appears 7 times in the Tenakh.
The word 'seven' in combinations with other numbers appears 112 times (16x7).
The word 'seventy' appears 56 times (8x7) in the Tenakh.
The word 'seventy' in combination with other numbers appears 35 times (5x7).
Jesus' genealogy in Matthew is 42 generations (6x7).
The first verse contains 7 words and 28 (4x7)letters.
God rests on the 7th day.
The land rests on the 7th year: Lev. 25:1-7.
Jesus rises at the completion of the 7th day.
The 7th month on the civil calendar, Nisan (Abib), contains the first 3 feasts.
The 7th month, Tishri, contains the last 3 feasts to be fulfilled.
The clean beasts on the ark are paired in sevens.
God FINISHED with Noah 7 days before the flood: Genesis 7.
Aharon and sons were consecrated for 7 days.
The blood is sprinkled on the altar 7 times.
7 words from our Messiah spoken from the tree - 7th one was 'It is finished'.
70 weeks of Daniel.
70 years of captivity in Babylon.
7 feasts of YHVH.
Israel is to shout on the 7th day with 7 priests, 7 trumpets, and to march 7 times around Jericho.
Ruth, the 7th book, is devoted to 'finished redemption'.
7 branches of the menorah.
Solomon was 7 years in building the temple.
Job's 7 sons: Job 1:2.
Job's friends stayed 7 days and nights in silence: Iyov 2:13.
Job's 7 thousand sheep: Iyov 1:3.
The multiple uses of seven associated with leprosy: Lev. 13.
Naaman washed 7 times in the Jordan: 2 Kings 5:14.
7 men of honest report: Acts 6:1-7.
7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine: Gen. 41.
We are to forgive 70x7 .
The furnace in Daniel 3:19 was heated 7 times hotter.
Words of YHVH purified 7 times: Psalms 12:6.
There are 7 pieces of armor: Ephesians 6.
7 things poured out by the Spirit: Joel 2:28-29.
God's sevenfold covenant with Israel: Exod. 6:6-8.
7 writers of the Tehillim.
Angels appear 7 times while Messiah is on the earth.
7 utterances to woman of Samaria: Yochanan 4.
7 miracles in John's gospel.
7 'I am' claims in John.
The multiple sevens in the Ten Commandments - 'day', 'in', 'to', 'serve', servant' or 'maid servant', YHVH and ’Elohiym together, 7 different pronouns used 49 times, and 7 things to covet in the last commandment.
7 parables in Matt. 13.
21 epistles in the New Testament.
Paul wrote letters to 7 churches, Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians.
Paul wrote 14 epistles.
7 ministering gifts: Romans 12:3-8.
7 unities: Ephesians 4:4-6.
7 aspects of wisdom: Jacob 3:7.
7 titles of the Messiah in book to Hebrews.
Sevenfold grace of 2 Peter 1:5-8.
Blessed appears 7 times in Hitgalut.
7 mysteries in scripture.
7th man from Adam was Enoch: Gen. 5:24.
Yom Kippur is in the 7th month.
7 steps in Ezekiel's temple.
The tree of life is mentioned 7 times in the Tenakh.
Daughters of Jerusalem mentioned 7 times in scripture.
God gives Israel 7 things: Hosea 2:8-9.
Israel's 7 endowments: Romans 9:4.
Avraham's sevenfold blessing: Gen. 12:2-3.
The 'last' day mentioned 7 times in John.
In the last book, Revelations, there are 7 churches, 7 lampstands, 7 spirits, 7 stars, 7 angels, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls, 7 promises to overcomers, 7 horns, 7 eyes, 7 thunders, 7 thousand killed, 7 heads, 7 mountains, 7 crowns, 7 plagues, 7 kings, 7 beatitudes, 7th angel declares the mystery of God FINISHED, 7th angel declares 'it is done'.
Lamb is called 7 things.
7 sons of Jesse.
7 sons of Saul.
Messiah is the 77th name from God in Luke's genealogy.
In Hebrew "aleph" is how you say both "one" and a "thousand". Interesting that 2 Peter 3:8 tells us that "one day is like a thousand years to God."
The Hebrew word for "King" is MeLeKH - מלך - numerically this word adds us to 90 as the mem = 40, the lamed = 30 and the kaph = 20. The Hebrew letter which equals 90 is the letter "zadik". The very word "zadik" means "righteous one". Jesus our King is truly the righteous one!
Genesis 1:1 (in detail):
It is important to note before we consider Genesis 1:1 that in Jewish Gamatria prime numbers carry extra importance and are focused on more closely for what they reveal.

Okay, notice first that there are a total of 7 words in this first verse which is the number of completion.

Second, notice that the word "et" right in the center of this verse has 2 letters which is the first prime number and interestingly it is a special prime number as it is the only even prime number. There are 3 words on either side of this center word which is the next prime number. Notice next that each word on either side of the center word "et", the words Elohim and Hashamayim each have 5 letters and each word on either side of these words "bara" and "vet" have 3 letters.
Now let's consider again the numeric value of each word and subsequently of this entire verse.

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2,701
The number 2,701 break down to 37 x 73. Both 37 and 73 are prime numbers. Notice how the numbers reflect each other. It interesting how this mimics the structure of the first verse of Genesis: If you take the center word "et" and add it to the right of center word "Elohim" you get 7 letters and then 3 letters in the word bara; then do the same in the opposite direction take the word "et" in the center add it to "hasamayim" and you get 7 letters with a 3 letter word to it's left. So the center of this verses structure can be seen as 3 7 7 3 just as it's Gamatria value is 37 x 73. Now 37 is the 12th prime number and 73 is the 21st prime number notice the reflection once again 12 21. Now if take the number 3773 that breaks down to 7 x 7 x 77.
Now if we take the value of the 1st word "beresheet" and the 3rd word "Elohim" we get a total of 999. If you break this number down you get the equation 37 x 3 x 3 x 3. If you take the words "bara", "et" and "hashamayim" these thre words add up to 999.
If you add up the value of the leading words of this verse: "Elohim" + "Hashamayim" + "haarets" you get a value of 777 which is 37 x 7 x 3.
If you take the words "Elohim", "hashamayim" and "vet" you get 888 which is also divisible by 37.
So one set of words adds up to 777, one set adds up to 888 and two sets add up to 999.
As an aside it is interesting that if you take the Hebrew word for "forever" which is "ad olam" עד עולם the first two letters "ayin" and "dalet" equal 74 or 2 x 37, the remaining four letters "ayin", "vav", "lamed", "mem" equal 146 or 73 x 2. Notice the reflection in the letters once again 2 37 73 2.
Also the value of Genesis 1:2 and Isa. 53:5 = 1369 which is 37 x 37.
37 Times:
Interestingly the quote "I am" in reference to God is found 37 times in the Old testament. And similarly Jesus states 37 times in the New Testament, "I am he".

Here are a couple more things that occur 37 times in the Old Testament:

The Hidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden - Genesis 2:
God has placed 25 different fruits, plants, nuts and trees in the small area between Genesis 2:7 and 3:3. This is remarkable because these 30 verses are exactly where the Garden of Eden is introduced and these 25 fruits etc are all contained in this small area. What is the probability of this happening right here in this small area?
The reason you don’t see them in your English Bibles is because you only see them in the Hebrew Bible, and they are written in equidistant letter sequences or "ELS" for short
The technological computer age we live in now has enabled the Jewish rabbis and scribes to discover these hidden codes. Sometimes the words are found reading from right to left and other times left to right. I have not typed out whole verses but just the area that pertains to the actual fruit or tree.
For example in Genesis 2:7-8 the word for wheat חטה is found in ELS of 5. חיה ויטע יהוה. Read right (R) to left (L).
In Genesis 2:9 we see grape ענב but please note נ and ן are both the letter ‘n’. This one is L to R. בתוך הגן ועץ הדעת. ELS of 6.
In Genesis 2:10 we see date תמר in ELS of 5. R to L. את הגן ומשם יפרד.
In Genesis 2:12 we see acacia שטה in ELS of 3 L to R. ההוא טוב שם.
In 2:12 we see cedar ארז in ELS of 5 L to R. וזהב השרץ ההוא.
In 2:18 we see tamarisk אשל in ELS of 2 R to L. אעשה לו.
In 2:19 we see cassia קדה in ELS of 7 R to L. יקרא לו האדם נפש חיה.
In 2:19-20 we see almond שקד in ELS of 5 R to L. שמו ויקרא האדם.
In 2:21 we see terebinth אלה in ELS of 2 L to R. תרדמה על האדם.
In 2:24 we see citrus הדר in ELS of 3 L to R. לבשר אחד ויהיו.
In 2:24 we see olive זית in ELS of 3 R to L. יעזב איש את.
And there are 14 other words that have greater ELS which require too many Hebrew letters for me to display here which makes it difficult to show you. But I think you get the idea don’t you?
Just an Interesting Coincidence? Maybe - Maybe Not!
This is not part of Hebrew Gematria as the original Hebrew Biblical manuscripts had no chapter or verse notation and were written on scrolls and assembled in different grouping then our modern English Bible. Numerically though it is interesting how things worked out in the English version.
In our modern English Bible format:
• Psalms 118 is the middle chapter of the entire Bible. The Bible has 594 chapters before Psalms 118 and 594 chapters after Psalms 118.
• Psalms 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible and Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible.
• If you add up all the chapters before and after Psalms 118 (not including chapter 118) you get a total of 1188 chapters. Psalms 118:8 is the middle verse of the Bible.
• What is the message of of Psalms 118:8 at the center of the Bible, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man."
The number 37 in the Old and New Testaments
Old Testament
New Testament
Revelation 20-22
if we add up the value of the Greek letters in Revelations chapters 20 to 22 we get:
Rev. 20 = 206,279
Rev. 21 = 348,398
Rev. 22 = 283,979
Total = 838, 656
The Interesting thing is this can be seen as:
26 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 3 x 7 x 3
יהוה = Yahweh = 26

= Jesus = 888

= The Word = 373
What the Dove reveals at Jesus Baptism
In Matt. 3: 16 we read, "When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him."
The Greek word used here for the word "dove" is the word "peristera". The Gematria value of the Greek letters that form this word equal 801. Thus some interpret this as being a direct reference to the number which represents the completeness of God.
In Rev. 22:13 we read, "I am the Alpha and the Omega..." Alpha = 1, and Omega = 800.
So this reference to the dove is interpreted to mean God's entire essence ascended onto Jesus at his baptism; as the values of the Greek term for "dove" and the description of God in the book of Revelations as being the "Alpha + Omega" are equal. They both = 801.
Why Did Abram take 318 men to save his brother from captivity?
In Gen. 14:14 we read, "Now when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan."
In Hebrew we find the word for helper is "ezer" as in when the woman is made in Genesis 2 as a "helper" for man, she is an ezer-kenegedo. The heir we are told in Genesis 15:2 to Abram's house is "Eliezer". Eli-ezer means "God is my helper". The amazing thing is that when you spell this name out in Hebrew it is spelled, אֱלִיעֶזֶר in Hebrew these letter values add up to 318. Aleph = 1 , Lamed = 30 , yod = 10 , ayin = 70 , zayin = 7 , and resh = 200. Which totals to 318.
When Abram sent had 318 trained men, was God trying to tell him who his real helper was? Or was Abram acknowledging God as his true helper?